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Comic for November 6th, 2000
Snail Dust -- (c) 2000 by Jenny Rowland
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This week was an experiment of sorts... I wanted to see how fast news would spread, and what sort of reaction 'established' artists would give, when my extremely-low-profile comic suddenly ran an almost-completely unannounced cameo week. A byproduct of the experiment was a humongous spike in my hits; I got something like 300 visits from Avalon alone. Some artists expressed pleasure, some either didn't notice or didn't care enough to respond, and some soon thereafter were heard to make comments about the evils of gratuitous cameos for hit-grabbing purposes... heh.

The very leftmost cameo is Rick from Rick and Bob, which has its home on this very server. It's had a bit of a rocky update history, but it's still very funny. Funnier than my comic. Stamp expensively, Chris.

The other cameos are Margaret from CRFH!!!, Joe from Joe Average, Jenna from Hound's Home, and Greg from Real Life.